NSW Valuer General

Land value search

Use this search to learn the land value of a property
  • Enter your property number. You can find your property number:
    • on your Notice of Valuation, which we issue every three years.
    • on your land tax assessment from Revenue NSW.
    • by conducting a title reference enquiry if you know your title reference.
    • by conducting a property address enquiry if you know your property address.
  • Select the valuing year required.
* = required information.
Property number: *
Valuing year: *
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This search provides land values going back to 2001. Councils use the Valuer General's land values in setting their rates. Land values are issued to councils for rating every three years. Properties that are subject to Land Tax are generally taxed based on the average of the last three years' land valuation.

Any questions? If you have any questions, please submit an enquiry or call us on 1800 110 038 or +61 2 6332 8188.
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